A New Year, A New You

The New Year is now well and truly upon us. According to an American study, weight loss has once again topped the list of resolutions for this year, with staying fit and healthy slotting into 5th position. Gyms are currently getting their biggest influx of new members with people looking to lose those pesky last few kilos, keep their beach body in shape or finally complete that race they’ve been meaning to do. Whatever your goal, it’s a great idea to check in with a physiotherapist to see whether your exercise program is appropriate to your current fitness level.


Shoulder PressUnfortunately, with society’s trend towards desk based jobs and the resultant shift towards a sedentary lifestyle, those crucial few steps towards a healthier you can come with a few speed bumps. The human body is incredibly malleable, changing to become better at whatever we train it to do. So all those hours spent hunched over a desk makes your body better at one thing, being hunched over a desk! So when you ramp up your activity level from sedentary to fitness freak you can run the risk of sustaining any number of overuse injuries. These injuries are easily preventable by starting your road to recovery with an appropriate and gradual exercise program.

Physiotherapists are movement experts and are well trained in assessing a wide range of muscle, joint, nerve and ligament problems. Too often we see clients who have gone straight from their sedentary desk jobs into a high intensity boot camp, crossfit or 12 week challenge only to break down with an injury after a few sessions. Commonly our enthusiasm makes us ignore the early warning signs of a niggle and we push on.  Left ignored, these niggles deteriorate into a more significant injury which takes longer to heal than if it was addressed when it first flared up, causing our new eagerness and exercise program to come to a grinding halt!

Our friendly team of physiotherapists love nothing more than preventing an injury before it happens. If you want to avoid an injury from occurring or get that niggle sorted out, pop in to see one of our physiotherapists who will happily assess you and guide you towards a happier and healthier NEW YOU!

Friendly Staff